Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Notify NYC

Similar to the emergency alert system recently implemented by USC, NYC mayor Bloomberg announced the launch of a program called Notify NYC this past December. The program allows any interested individual to sign up to receive information via email, text messages, and recorded phone calls in the unfortunate event of an emergency. There are two types of alerts: those of a time sensitive nature and those that serve as informational.

I think this technology has great potential and can be used in a greater application to reach a wider group of people in case of an emergency. This program relies on people signing up--and for whatever reason people sometimes are reluctant to sign up for services regardless of the program's potential for safety. Wireless service providers can team up with the New York City government to make the service a program offered directly through the cell phone contract. Ideally, the text messages and voice messages would be offered free of charge. This would definitely increase the number of people who would receive the emergency updates.

I'm going to continue researching this program and write more soon. In the meantime, you can read more about the program here

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